After randomly browsing the internet for anime I should watch, I stumbled upon the Wikipedia page for Pretear. While I thought that it didn't look that great, I noticed that it was a reverse-harem anime and I naturally got curious (because I'm very pro-reverse-harem). After downloading it and opening the file for the first
In the first couple of minutes into the first episode you're introduced to way too many main characters and you're left going, 'Okay, what the fuck was that?' You're left bemused not just because of the sudden splurge of characters but because you have to double take when you see the drag queen with the blonde ponytail and heeled boots. That's right, it's actually a guy.
The other characters aren't really that great. While each of the characters have their own personalities and seem to have been thought out, I found myself wondering why there had to be so many. While the little kid characters were cute, I didn't think they were necessary for the plot and they only managed to confuse me further when first watching this. As for the adult characters... I have big issues with them. The character of Kei really pissed me off in the anime; he was stuck-up and self-obsessed. Same goes for the manga; he was stuck up and self-obsessed, but he had reason to be. In the manga he looked normal, he didn't look like a cross dressing weirdo.
One of the other main characters I have issues with is Sasame. When watching the anime for the first time, I found myself wanting to punch him when he said 'So do I' after Hino said that she believed all guys should be like him. I also found that half the things he said were some of corniest things I've ever heard in my life. It's worse than watching my mother's filipino drama films! And those were pretty bad! Thankfully, Hayate wasn't as corny as him. He seems like one of the most realistic and hilarious characters in the whole thing and he provided me with a great about of comic relief, as did the whole relationship with Hino.
The general plotline was relatively simple. Girl has to save the world with the help of seven 'supposedly' hot guys. There is very little in the way of twists and its all very linear, which is good for little kids, but not that great for 17 year olds who want something that can get their teeth into. With names like 'The Princess of Destruction', 'The Snow White Princess Pretear' and 'Puppet of Darkness', you wonder what in the hell the mangaka was thinking when he was writing the story. I mean, even my 8 year old cousin cringed at the names!
The art itself is bogstandard. Nothing stands out except for the creepy affects used in the anime when their eyes go emotional; it scared my cousin slightly when she first noticed it, which isn't really the effect desired from a romance scene. The costume designs were rather bizarre and crappy, though I loved how colourful everything was in the anime. (I <3 colour!)
In general, I think this was a pretty boring anime. Nothing elevates it above the rest and it's kind of embarrassing to watch with anyone except your younger siblings or cousins. The only thing that really makes it stand out is that it's one of those things you can really take the piss out of and not feel guilty about it because you know you're right.
Her name's Himeno! Lol shows how much attention you paid @.@
Dude, like....if you actually paid attention to the anime, you'd know what the kids were there for. O.o; and if you were smart enough to pay even more attention to the story, you'd also see that it was supposed to be a modern day rendition of Snow White/Cinderella. And Kei's amazing. >.>;
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